Originally Posted by interthem
Hey I'm glad you figured out it's a crime.

Sad to say (for you) divulging public records is not if you obtain them legally and pay for them.

Now saying you're coming to visit (uninvited) and "collect my $10,000" is a different manner.

Time to walk the dog, enough collective stupidity until after the evening meal.

Key West Pinks, you can only dream.........

"If you aren�t used to Key West Pink Shrimp, you might think the shrimp are already cooked or have been lying around too long. Trust me that is not the case. These shrimp as the photo shows, are naturally this color and with just a few moments of heat will reveal why we in the Florida Keys know we live in paradise. "

Unlike the rust belt or "God's waiting room" (the rest of FL) ....LAFFIN

Douche you forgot one minor piece of information....YOU made the bet wink

And as for posting that info on the internet without said person's consent...you can be held liable wink

Oh and by the way...we don't eat bait. We leave that for your bottom feeders. I'll just have a prime porterhouse tonight cooked over mesquite wink

Liberalism is a mental disorder that leads to social disease.