So Larry, do you "investigate" everyone who purchases items from you?

This should inspire confidence in others interested in buying items from you.

I don't care enough even to spend a minute on it but I'm sure EBay (where I bought the book from Larry Root) would frown on you publicly posting the personal information of those who do business with you.
I'm fairly sure Amazon would as well.

But, unlike you, I don't run to the "authorities" every time someone looks crosseyed at me.
Probably because I'm not a paranoid freak with an advanced persecution complex.

The only error you made in the post where you asked for personal info to be posted before you released a case number was that you added a space between "when" and "ever". You know it and so does everyone else.

I complied with your request and true to form you backpedaled like the rancid coward you are.

Pathetic is too good a word for you Larry.

The Chosin Few November to December 1950, Korea.
I'm not one of the Chosin Few but no more remarkable group of Americans ever existed.