I'm curious Kutenay, what do you consider "serious mountain use", especially as it relates to today's backcountry hunter?

Personally, I am not at all a fan of heavy, clunky, loud, stiff, old-school vibram soled boots that don't have a full rubber rand and have an almost nonexistent rocker...and I don't know anyone else that actually gets out there in serious backcountry hunting conditions that does either. In my experience, old school vibram just doesn't hold a candle to the more modern sticky rubber compounds and traction designs used in the Kene's.

Here's a few pics of a small part of a friend's trophy room. He's rarely home and is the very definition of a "serious mountain hunter". Clearly, he can afford to buy any boot on the planet. One guess as to which type of boot he prefers to wear when sheep hunting...

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It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't, everyone would do it. The hard...is what makes it great.
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Progressive Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.