Originally Posted by Boggy Creek Ranger
Quick post utilized to no one in particular:

From Birdy's White Fang that was an English Bull dog from the description not a pit bull.
Nope. The dog in White Fang was a professional pit fighting dog, i.e., a Pitbull. Never has been any other professional pit fighting dog in the United States but the Pitbull. Fights using other breeds, or Pitbulls vs other breeds, were always considered novelty fights. Typically, when a Pitbull was pitted against a dog of another breed, the other dog was more than twice it's fighting weight to make it somewhat less of a blowout.

"Bulldog" is the name Pitbulls went by before there was a breed club for them. In the South, they are still commonly referred to as bulldogs. When the breed clubs sprang up in the US, they couldn't register their breed as bulldogs, though, because that name was already taken by the English breed of that name. English Bulldogs, however, were never used in pit fights. Their distant ancestors were used for bull baiting, but they were a very different breed then (You'd have a hard time distinguishing one from a modern day Pitbull), and that was over two hundred years ago.