I guess the ruling from an Alberta court couple years back over Metis Hunting rights will probably get changed. Hopefully NOT !! Too many abuse the entire First Nations systems it makes me sick.

Get the popcorn out !! This will have Alberta outdoormen & women pulling their hair out.

B/w the Chief on the "liquid -starving diet" and her commonlaw husband (who looks whiter than me)....made over $200G last year...TAX FREE. he makes $850/day consulting as the band administrator. She made $72K. Seen it onthe National News last night. wonder what HER people think of that. Bet her house isnt like what was shown on he news last year.

You know what it would take me to clear $ 200G tax free. WHAT A JOKE!! Where did the $110+ million go over 5 years...they cant show it b/c they have no records.

Seen the same thing with local bands near me.

I'm just so tired and fed up of this whole thing. No more comments, I dont want to get BANNED from this website...I like it too much..