Sure, Jim, YOU tell ME all about Canadian veterans and their love for injuns. You are just a laughter-inducing ranter who knows nothing except how to "dawgf**K"a shift away and brag about all the $$$$$ you make.

Tell me, in what "Great War" C.E.F. battalion, was YOUR grandfather an officer? Which battle(s) did he participate in and what wounds/decorations did he have?

How many of your family, say to 2nd. cousins, were volunteer Canadian military COMBAT personnel in both wars? What campaigns did ANY of your family, as volunteers, serve in and did they all come home safely?

You just cannot help making preposterous statements that make it seem that you have been repeatedly struck in the cranium with "the stupid stick" and you are so seldom factual about these issues that I almost pity you.

Get over yourself, you are not going to "win" here or anywhere except a lunchroom full of other union layabouts.