Originally Posted by Rene
Originally Posted by CanuckShooter

Did you see how much money those two are handling? $200k clear money isn't that much for two senior executives of a multimillion dollar corporation. You should google the wages of a couple of your senior government workers and be prepared for a shock.. Especially when you see their pension benefits, which Spence & her beau wouldn't qualify for. You just got into the wrong business just like I did!! ;-)

Really! If I say black you will say white. In my town of 3,000 our mayor gets payed about 7,000 to work on a part time basis. Atiwapiskat has what 1,500 people. Spence and her husband live of the taxpayer. Other towns are self sufficient while Atiwapiskat is a blight on the nation and should be removed.

Does your mayor stick handle millions of dollars each year? I think not, it's a part time position. The premier of Alberta lives off the taxpayers, prisoners live off the taxpayer, white trash welfare recipients live off the taxpayer, school teachers live off the taxpayer....why should spence and her boyfriend be any different???