There are those who believe a span of time, that is not spoken of, occurred between Gen 1:1 and 1:3.

Originally Posted by KJV
Genesis 1:2
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

Did He actually create anything without form? Ever?
How about void? ( crazy what would be the point?)
And here's the kicker, covered in darkness on the FACE of it?
That definitely does NOT sound like Him.

Well, sometime between vs 1 and vs 2 His number one angel rebelled, started a war, and was kicked out.
How long that takes, God knows...

Back to the story, vs 2 goes on to say

Originally Posted by KJV
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters

How long did that go on?
Almighty God, who is light and created light and all that is in it and part of it, and it all fell into darkness and chaos and became void and without form, broods over it for how long before the stage is set?

Then He steps up to center stage and says (vs 3)
"Light BE!"

And guess what...
There was light.

It could very well be, and most probably is, that both the bible AND the science are correct.

Look across space to the far side of the known universe and tell me how long the light you see has been traveling...

I say several billions of years old planet we NOW stand upon is not so difficult to imagine, or believe, at all.
And I also say if it was important, to Him or us, He would have went into some detail.

He didn't.
Because it's not important.


"When is penguin season, daddy? I wanna go kill a penguin!"
---- 4 yr old Archerhuntress