
Typical of many evolutionists is this statement from The Meaning of Evolution, by G.G. Simpson: �Man is the result of a purposeless and
materialistic process that did not have him in mind.�1 A more recent statement by the famed evolutionist, Julian Huxley, expresses the same
sentiment: �Darwinism removed the whole idea of God as the creator of organisms from the sphere of rational thought. Darwin pointed out that
no supernatural designer was needed; since natural selection could account for any known form of life, there was no room for a supernatural
agency in its evolution.�2
On the cover of Gamaliel Bradford�s work, Darwin, is the statement: �The life of a gentle, tolerant and lovable man, who overturned the world
of thought, shifted the whole attitude of science, and upheaved the very foundation of religion and morality.�3 And, again: �He made hell a
laughing stock and heaven a dream.�4 Such statements reveal the true nature of modern evolutionary thinking.
Lying at the root of all evolutionary ideals is a basic anti-creation, anti-God attitude. It is principally a materialistic philosophy with nothing
to offer but doubt and despair. Most evolutionists have an automatic barrier that reacts at the very mention of the alternative to their theory,
namely, creationism.
That the theory of evolution is a negative and unproductive philosophy is shown by the following.
1. Evolution Is Non Beneficial To Science. Davis writes: �If anything good has come out of the evolution theory, it is certainly difficult to
detect it. And it is a self-evident truth, accepted by all thinking people, that a tree is known by its fruits.�5 Dr. W.R. Thompson states: �I am not
satisfied that Darwin proved his point or that his influence in scientific and public thinking has been beneficial.�6 Thompson adds: �The success
of Darwinism was accomplished by a decline in scientific integrity.�7
Research centered around the modern concept of the theory of evolution has contributed little, if anything, to scientific knowledge. One hundred
fifty years of evolutionary probing has not produced anything significant so far as true science is concerned and there are some who feel
that it has, in a number of instances, been detrimental to scientific progress.
2. Supporters Of Evolution Often Do Not Square With The Facts.
The theory, therefore, becomes a bias doctrine. In modern scientific circles it has become fashionable for evolutionists to say of others: �Why,
you�re not looking at both sides of the issue.� Now this may sound impressive to the unaware, but when the truth is known it is the evolutionist
who fails to look at both sides of the issue. When only favorable information is presented and when detrimental information is suppressed or
neglected, obviously the scientific process is being cast aside.
Evolution, of course, is not a fact. It has not been proved. Even Darwin admitted that it was unproved and unprovable.8 But listen to the 20th
century�s leading exponent of evolution, Julian Huxley: �Whether or not we like it, Darwin�s theory is confirmed...thanks to Darwin we accept
evolution as a fact.�9 This illustrates how bias evolutionists are in their defense of the theory. But in spite of such a statement (which has been
echoed by many others) there are thousands of good scientists throughout the world who reject evolution. (The reader may want to again refer
to chapter 4.)
3. Evolution, To A Large Degree, Grew Out Of Atheism And Has A Tendency To Promote Atheism.
Evolutionists make a fetish out of what they call academic freedom. To them it means the license to teach anything that they want to, even to
the advocacy of those things which undermine the basic foundations of society.10
This seems to be the trend among many evolutionists - teach what you wish regardless of the consequences. And atheism, by way of deceptive
evolution, is one of those things being subtly advocated. In a pamphlet entitled Evolution Implies Atheism, published by the American Association
for the Advancement of Atheism, president Woosley Teller said: �The God idea cannot be reconciled with our knowledge of evolution.�11
Evolution stands in direct opposition to belief in God. This, of course, is admitted by all leading evolutionists. Real supporters of the theory are
quite clear and adamant when discussing this, for they realize there can be no reconciliation between the two. And, indeed, there cannot!
4. The Doctrine Of Evolution Creates An Atmosphere Tending Toward Immorality. When young people are led to believe that they are only the
result of an evolutionary process, that they are nothing more than advanced creatures possessing no soul, and that there is no God to whom they
will one day give account, what can be expected of their moral outlook? Some youth have said: �If we are no different than dogs or cats, why
should we believe in moral rules?� Where does this idea originate? It is not self-taught and it does not likely come from the home. No doubt it
is instilled through the subtle influence of evolution presented in the classroom and is a conclusion drawn from information found in science
textbooks. This attitude is typical with a growing number of youth. As a result with many there is no shame in declaring, �I don�t believe in
God.� Others feel no guilt when being sexually permissive. And yet others have no sense of remorse when becoming involved in violent acts.
Parents, educators, politicians and theologians are baffled when youth become so �animal-like� and are puzzled to find the cause. Then everything
is blamed but the real criminal - Godless evolution! When evolution is taught in the classroom and when youth are left with false,
misleading impressions, what else can be expected but a downward spiral in their moral outlook?
5. Evolution Has Been Instrumental In Producing Corrupt Systems Of Society. Communism is largely based on atheism and breeds in the atmosphere
of atheism. However, few are aware that Karl Marx, designer of the communist philosophy, drew heavily on Darwin�s concepts of natural
selection and survival of the fittest. Atheistic communism began with its roots grounded in evolution. As entomologist Geoffrey Taylor says:
�Darwin�s Origin Of Species and Marx�s Das Capital... heralded the two great secular faiths of modern times - Evolutionism and Communism.
Let me say at once that I believe both these faiths to be wrong; that each enshrines not a truth, but an illusion. Also they are in my opinion to
some extent connected and intertwined.�12 (Note: Marx requested that his book be dedicated to Darwin.) In connection with this Davis says:
�Since the adoption of the Marxian philosophy, Russia has consistently stressed the hatred of God and all forms of religion; Russia not only
denies the existence of God, but makes atheism �a necessary premise of the system on which its government is formed.�13
If one understands something of how ideas take hold of individuals and nations, he cannot doubt the influence of Darwin�s theory of survival of
the fittest upon the thinking of Nietzsche�s philosophy, and he accepted the principle that the few who rule should not be bound by any kind of
morality that would hold them down.14
Later, during the Nazi regime, leaders of Nazism capitalized on the concept of survival of the fittest and for several years systematically bred
men and women of the so-called �pure Aryan race� in an attempt to produce a �super-human race.� The connection with evolutionary ideas is
all too obvious.
When evolution is blindly accepted and forced upon people there is a tendency to do away with the individual. After all, if man is really nothing
more than animal what place does the individual hold? Such a materialistic philosophy as evolution leads to a purposeless life. Man becomes
just another cog in the wheel, an insignificant part of the human mass. This, of course, is but another way of describing state socialism, the
backbone of communism.
The United States will never be made communistic by a frontal attack on her ideology, but there is a good chance of bringing it in by the back
door of state socialism. As men fall more and more under the influence of the philosophies of evolution and atheism and as they turn away from
belief in the Supreme Creator, they cannot help but head down the road of corrupt government.
These brief observations of the fruits and tendencies of evolution are but a beginning point. Who could truly measure the evil which has already
resulted from this assumed theory? And who knows what added evil the future holds?

All used with permission from the author.

NRA Benefactor life member