My STI Trojan had no problems making it to 500 rounds. I have a couple Colts they can make it to 500 rounds.

So this got me to thinking I am going to see just how far I can push my Nighthawk. I just cleaned it after shooting yesterday 200 rounds. So fresh cleaned and lubed gun. The only thing I am going to do to it is a drop of oil every 100 rounds. I will also do it with my Colt.

Do you carry 500 rounds of pistol ammo on you? I am wondering what the round count is for an average gunfight for both military, police, and civilian.

I just don't see handguns as I do shotguns were 1000 rounds at dove in a day is something that happens much.

I understand that is the metric you are choosing to judge by but I just don't see it being necessary.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.