I practice off hand at ranges to 150 nearly every time I shoot. But I like to shoot just to shoot, without the desire to just prep for a hunt. It turned out that on the last hunt of last season I had to either take an absurdly long shot offhand or watch them run away and climb back down the mtn I had just about killed myself getting up. I opted to shoot, and with one sighter to get the distance right, I drilled the heart/lungs of the doe. Never worked so damned hard for a doe in my life, nor have I attempted such a long off-hander at an animal. Was it irresponsible? Hard to say, as it felt right at the time and worked out perfectly. I am supremely confident at shots I shoot at animals anymore, or I don't shoot. Certainly, I have heard much condemning here on the fire of what I attempted. But it was my shooting, and I accepted responsibility for the outcome, whether it was favorable or not. Turned out I grew even more confident in my ability to buckle down and do it right when it matters.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.