
Why is it that you Pointy-Headed Cross-Eyed Drooling Dumb [bleep],IMMEDIATELY default to cramming things in your mouth and ass?!? Weren't my intent to horn you up Sweetheart,but as per always...there ain't no slighting your taste in men.

Very good call to refrain ALL things The Rifle and to use enough Pretend,to Imagine "Joe". In fairness and as you ohhhh sooooooooo eloquently attest and are amazingly oblivious to,Joe Average sure as [bleep] ain't very bright. Congratulations?!?

Have I seen Big Game with hole(s) in heart/lungs travel better than your delusional "seconds"? Yep. Longer than minutes? Yep. Longer than hours? Yep. If you wanna see how fast schit can run,punch a [bleep] lung and unleash the Hounds. Literally.

You poor poor sappy Clueless [bleep],I enjoy your Imagination and Pretend almost as much as you do,though for very different reasons. Laffin'! I get a kick outta how "real" your Imagination and Pretend are to you. Re-laffin'.

Double Dog Dare as per always,to hang a pic of your pointy-head and crossed-eyes,with a Splendid Beastie you "oxygenated". I'm looking forward to them Excuses and yet another fresh batch of Whine,as you talk even further out your ass,about those things you "know" the [bleep] least about.

You "hard chargers" are a [bleep] riot!

Wow +P.