Originally Posted by Anjin
Originally Posted by GeoW
Romney needs to grow a set before he runs again.

Compared to whom?

Granted, I am looking at this from the wrong end of a telescope out here in Japan, but I simply cannot think of a more qualified candidate from among those in the running now. Don't confuse intelligence and decency with weakness. Romney had a clear set of priorities and explained them.

His mistake in the last election was the talk about those with entitlements, many of whom had they only known would have been better off with him in office.

There are always going to be some who oppose a successful businessman as candidate. Believe me, he had to be plenty tough to do what he's done.

Remember that chart of the percentage with business experience that past presidents appointed to their cabinets. The rock bottom has been Obama with 8%. Looking at accomplishments, most of his have been totally out of their depth. Libs rushed to dispute this, but to say that Hillary and Holder, among others, had real world business experience is not persuasive to me.

Of course, to say that Romney is the best choice is not the same as thinking he will crush the opposition. cool

He let Obama walk all over him in the last election... Obama, the weakest pres we've ever had walked all over him.. You are grasping at straws I'm afraid.

I'm not sure a Conservative candidate is out there yet, may never again be. I will continue to look for him come election time though.

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
Thomas Jefferson

GeoW, The "Unwoke" ...Let's go Brandon!

"A Well Regulated Militia" Life Member