Originally Posted by acy
I refuse to believe that the "middle" elected Obama. If the "middle" did that, then we are totally screwed.
The middle did elect Obama, and there were two very big reasons they did it.

1 - McCain
2 - Romney

McCain is a freaking nut! The guy is seriously out there and it's no secret. EVERYONE in congress has a story when McCain has gone bat-chit crazy. And the electorate knew he was a nut.

Romney has been on both sides of every issue under the sun and he comes across as a guy who stands for nothing but getting elected.

Then factor in the financial collapse which happened on Bush's watch. It doesn't matter if it was or wasn't Bush's fault, the dumb people just saw the economy come unraveled on Bush's watch; so it has to be his fault.

Just like a friend of mine who in 2009 was having hard economic times and blamed it all on Obama. Nevermind that the trouble started a full year before Obama took office, it's just who's in there when it all comes crashing down.