Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Reaganonomics worked.
Agreed. They did. Lowering incentives to seek tax shelters by reducing rates results in higher revenues and stimulates economic activity..


I agree that we are in desperate need of economic reform. But that lies far beneath the iceberg that will sink America. We have to revert to the principles upon which our nation was founded. We have to restore rule of law. Rule of men is destroying our country. As important or more so, we MUST restore lost liberties. Land of the free has become a cruel joke. We're free to do and buy what politicians and bureaucrats allow us to do or buy. Worse, we've fastened shackles to ourselves.

We need a forth branch of government: public integrity unit. It will be staffed from investigators on loan to it for five years. These investigators will come from local law enforcement agencies. They will not be subjected to federal political/bureaucratic pressure. They will be commissioned with ultimate autonomy. They will have plenary authority and jurisdiction to investigate every elected politician and appointed bureaucrat including the president and US Supreme Court justices. If criminal charges are determined to be warranted, case agents will refer their cases to independent attorneys who must have impeccable records prior to appointment. That way, Lerner's homeboys won't be investigating her. Instead, it could well be that an investigator on loan from Seattle Police Department will be the case agent, not some lackey working in Obama's US DOJ. That way again, there will be no fox guarding the henhouse.

High on the list is evicting the UN from Manhattan, eliminating the Fed, and severing ties with every treaty that binds our military to fight battles that are none of our damned business. Presidents have transformed our military in to Meyer Lansky's Murder, Inc.

In no way, shape, or form does the country in which we live resemble the country that was the patrimony of our Founding Fathers.

�Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.�
***Benjamin Franklin***

�If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.�
***US President James Madison***