Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
Originally Posted by tjm10025
Originally Posted by R_H_Clark

The problem I have is that as long as a cop can shoot anyone that he feels to be a threat with no repercussions, all we will ever have in these events is hindsight. Repercussions would cause more foresight.

Best not to shoot anyone you feel is a threat.

Take a bullet first, then return fire.

Not at all. They could have used a bull horn or the store intercom to tell him to put the gun down and no one would have been hurt. They didn't think in this manner because there are no repercussions. In order to be charged with a crime a cop would have to basically just execute an unarmed man, and even then it would have to be on videoThey did execute an essentially unarmed man on video.. Repercussions for a bad shoot will cause more forethought.

The actions of these cops were as if there was an active shooter who had already shot people. In such a case, their actions would be completely justified. That is not what happened here, but the cops were jacked up so much from active shooter training that they saw what wasn't there.

You my friend....nailed it.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell