Originally Posted by David_Walter
Originally Posted by RWE
toy gun Readily available in the toy gun isle where this guy was shot at the walmart

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not toy gun readily available at walmart

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Not sure how this clears the cops for shooting a guy who appears to me to be laying his "weapon" down

well i hope folks can understand your edits to my post but allow me to retort:

1) the "toy" gun is not available in the toy aisle, its available at sporting goods isle.

2) he was not shot in the toy aisle, he was in the pet f'n food aisle.

3) WHO cares if a gun being used by a criminal - real or perceived - is available at the place of the offense.


Put yourself in the cops shoes.

They get a call for a guy with a gun at McDonalds, and they know that can't be the case because you can't get a gun off the menu?

For f*ck sake, dude.