Originally Posted by gitem_12
Kevin, I disagree with you on the Glock 21 being too big for people with small hands.

We carried G21's for 11 years, and never had anyone fail to qualify with it. And we have hired some fainty fellas. I believe the reason they don't fail is because we have a no bones policy that if you fail a firearms qual, ( which you get two attempts at). You are done. Unemployed. Full stop. With that knowledge up front i think our guys spend the time learning to shoot it.
Well you can't exactly kick someone out of the military for failing to qualify with a pistol. Also consider that the motivations of a GI and a police candidate are very different. Sure within some of the elite forces soldiers will be far more motivated, than police. But for those who are truck drivers, they may be a good deal less motivated and may take it far less seriously.

But you make a good point, training can overcome a LOT of obstacles.