The hilarity continues...and it remains a constant theme,that them who do the LEAST,whine the MOST. Nothing new there,but the reiteration(s) are a fhuqking hoot!

VERY easy to get a person on the phone,ask questions and act in them accords. Hint.

I doubt that I'm privvy to much more than 50 Fixed Fhuqker purchases,in these last coupla days. Hint. Hell...I mighta even ordered myself. Laughing!!!

Lotsa folks put carts in front of ponies and the hilarity never fhuqking wanes. There were clear instructions on their(SWFA's) site,denoting the fact that ring height needed to be ascertained,or the ball wouldn't roll. Hint.

That was a FULL fhuqking page of CRYSTALLINE instructions,replete with fhuqking pictures. HINT.

I'm a people person and like to connect a voice to an order and was hardly "surprised",that the person answering the Black Friday phone,more than recognized my voice. Hint.

My schit shipped. Hint.

As did all the others,I was privvy to. HINT.

Not that I don't dig the Whining Dumbfhuqktitude of them oblivious to hint(s). Hint.

I can only lead you STUPID fhuqkers to water.



Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."