R&D continues and it ain't purty.(grin)

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The weather is welllllll beyond EPIC in all regards and it's a shame,that I cain't PM a sample to The Paper Hat Brigade,if only as a barometer of reference so they could quantify their Dizzying Dumbfhuqktitude.

It broke a smidge this afternoon and planes did in fact plane,so I've a fresh box of 10X MQ's to mount.

SWFA fhuqked me right proper.


I'll feign my "surprise",that the crux remains a constant,in that alotta things nearly got did,with alotta wares that nearly got procured and from alotta places that nearly got bootprints on it.

Fortunately...Imagination and Pretend are free,so everyone can "contribute"!

PS and by the way,fhuqk variables.

Just sayin'.

1000 words of HOPE for Squat To Pee,not that she could afford a Retard Bobber or get one wet,by herself.


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If only because subtension do paint a poignant pic.

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Bless her heart..................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."