Originally Posted by Cheese_Burger
Mr. Manners,

Could you speak to the difference between the EH4 and the EH8?

I see weight quotes, do they change if you choose 100% CF fill? I understand the EH series to be CF shell, but does the weight drop with 100% CF fill? As in, can the SL go lighter or will the EH4 and EH8 be even lighter spec'd with 100% CF fill?

Thanks, building a 338 Federal 20-21" barrel, light weight carry in the hills for elk and bear gun.

Hi, Here is a ling to our spec sheet on our web page which will have all the basic dimension specs on our stocks. http://mannersstocks.com/stock-technical-specifications/

. The overall shape of the EH4 is bigger than the EH8. All the EH series stocks come standard with the 100% carbon fiber shell and the controlled heavy fill around the pillers and lug areas. The SL and EH4 are very close in overall mass and will always come in about the same weight. On your 338 build, there is a lot of variables ( barrel size, action, size of scope objective, ect.), if you PM me your contact phone number I would be more than happy to give you a call and walk you through them so you make the right choice that best fits. Thank you very much,

Thomas Manners
Manners Composite Stocks LLC
1232 Swift
North Kansas, City. Mo 64116