I agree that being as humane as possible to the deer is important,..I have shot several deer with my old 222 using regular old 50 grain soft points,and I have been very careful to take only neck shots,.The last one I shot dropped in her tracks,but would kick like she wanted to get up.I waved my hands in front of her face,and got no reaction so I didn't shoot her again .I don't think she knew ,or felt anything..I do think a 222 is a little light to be a good deer rifle.My primary deer rifle has been a 270 until this year ,when I switched to a 250..A small caliber forces a concintious hunter to take only well placed shots.That's what makes them deadly..Just because someone hunts with a cannon don't mean you can just take pot shots at running deer.That's a recipe for gut shooting,or shooting the leg in two at the elbow..Even though the bucks are few,and far between were you hunt you still need to place your shots well.