Bob. has it right about Ruark, a mediocre writer of sensational "novels" largely based in Africa and the US South. He copied Ernest Hemingway's style and tried to pose as his equal in the literary sense and as a "big game" hunter of world renown and expertise.

Ruark, to anyone who actually HAS serious wilderness experience, was a rather pathetic person and lacked any real substance as anything other than a "potboiler" scribe.

I will say, tho', that 47 years of use of the fabulous .338WM in BC and siding me for 5.5 month stints in the Albertan Rockies, living alone in Grizzly country working in forest protection, has demonstrated to me that such a cartridge HAS many benefits if one can shoot it well.

I have used a Kimber of Oregon .223, a P-64 .375, a Browning Safari .30-06, a P-64 Std. .30-06 a Marlin .336-44Mag. and my treasured original P-64-.338 during several stints at this work.

The .338 is BEST and many BC guides and serious, working bush/mountain men here would agree....we all have stood over various large quadrupeds and at 68, I am not finished yet, by God.