Is about to explode.

I'm just curious where folks draw the line as far as what would be an acceptable amount of Russian collusion for a POTUS candidate to have had. My prediction is that a smelly brown substance is about to hit a rotating bladed object. While the drama of it sounds entertaining, all else about it sucks ASS! We finally get a populist outsider elected to shake things up and he flames out due to THAT?! That would just suck. I want the man to get a chance to do the job we elected him to do. Lord knows we need something to change.

Where I'm at with it is that if it shown that the Trump campaign was actively supporting and aiding the Russian attempts to swing the election, that is clearly unacceptable and Trump and whoever else in the administration was involved will have to go. Is there anyone here that doesn't agree with that? If so, I'd love to hear the why of it.

Likewise, any evidence of quid pro quo is a deal killer. How is the 19 year old kid sitting right now in an M1 tank in Germany, pointed at Russia, supposed to accept a CiC beholden to Russia? Or how about our NATO allies? Our guys and gals in the Minuteman silos?

HOWEVER, casual intermittent contact doesn't rate removal for me... so I hope that whatever comes out next week is black and white either way. We probably won't be so lucky, though it appears to me that there's something really big imminent so who knows. But the MSM will go apeshit with shades of grey, and that would suck. So I'm rooting for clarity here.

If you think POTUS/Russia collusion matters a lot- please explain. If not, please explain.

I've said where I stand and won't be participating much in this thread. I want to listen to YOUR opinion.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two