Yep, the usual BHA defenders are all here--

You might be interested to know that BHA got a 113,000 grant in 2015 from an outfit nobody's heard of, the New Venture Fund, which has a budget (or receipts, anyway) of 314 million, more than, say the Center for American Progress.
What is NVF? Well, according to the conservative Washington Free Beacon:

"NVF represents a number of groups that push stringent environmentalist policies, such as the Fossil Fuel Reduction Project and True Friends of Coal, according to the internal documents.

It also uses donations to its subsidiaries to fund other groups that push environmental policies in ways that appeal to voters who might not share an explicit anti-fossil fuel agenda, such as Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Trout Unlimited, and the Bull Moose Sportsmen’s Alliance, all of which received NVF grant funds in 2013."

That's from this link:

There's some other grants, but the fact remains that anyone dumb enough to fall for BHA's sales pitch and pretend they're conservative sportsmen who understand Western public land issues (and that includes Don Junior, sadly), is either dishonest or massively deluded. These are Democratic or left wing fronts, period.

Up hills slow,
Down hills fast
Tonnage first and
Safety last.