I'd like to point out that BHA's first funder, the Wilburforce Foundation, is about as green as they get. Here's something you hunters should know...Wilberforce is named after the DOG of a couple of Seattle tech zillionaires, the Letwins. And the first guy running it was, and might still be, Tim Greyhavens. Grayhavens was best known prior as an animal-rights activist -- just the guy to administer grants to "hunters and anglers," right?
Here's from his Wiki:
"Tim proudly points out that except for one not-so-proud day he has worked for nonprofit organizations his entire life, including the Humane Society of the United States and the International Snow Leopard Trust."
HSUS. You betcha.
There's more, I mean, just check out this page --
And you should check out what Defenders of Wildlife (you know, the wolf freaks) think about Rose Letwin, the founder of Wilburforce.

Up hills slow,
Down hills fast
Tonnage first and
Safety last.