
The locals have a much stronger voice in regard to land management decisions on Federal land, than people from out of the area, that's a fact.

The trouble is, one local that doesn't get his/her way 100% of the time, and its immediately "over-reach", and "DC making all the decisions".

Never mind that in many cases, the locals are in agreement with the decisions. Just because a couple local loud-mouths or politicians don't agree, doesn't mean squat. Show me any proposal on anything where you get 100% agreement...and I'll show you a picture of bigfoot in a flying saucer.

As to your argument about more game being killed outside wilderness in Idaho, cant disagree. But, having worked extensively in Wilderness in Idaho, as well as MT, CO, AZ, NM, etc. I think your comparison is somewhat suspect. A lot of the WA's in all those States are not that great in the habitat department, and never were...we've done a great job of designating a chitload of rock and ice into wilderness. Also, much of the high elevation wilderness is utilized by big-game in the Summer months, but a lot of game transitions out to fall/winter range shortly after the first couple hard freezes of the year.

But even at that, there's still very good hunting to be had.

As to the trails in the Frank, and elsewhere, I agree. But, funding is THE issue, and you can thank Congress for their lack of giving a chit about the trails in the Frank. Tell them to start providing the necessary funding. It costs money to maintain trails...period.

As to the rest, I see no need to fight fires in Wilderness or log beetle killed trees there either. Much of it is has marginal value at best, and even if you could punch roads into it, probably cost more to build the roads than the timber is worth. Clearly below cost venture as a best case.

Been at this stuff for a while myself...over 30 years professionally.

So you know I'm not bullchitting...recognize any of this country? If you've spent much time in the should.

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