+1 on the idea that nobody fits into the same coat 20+ years after graduation.
+1 on layering
+1 on Cotton Kills-- although I use canvas when I'm around camp. It's cheap and if it gets a spark from the campfire it does not usually burn like synthetics.
+1 on no 1 coat does it

My system for this sort of thing is layering with a poly-pro base and a wool sweater. Beyond that, I stay flexible. I may add a synthetic vest or a down vest, or a poly pro jacket. When it rains I put an uninsulated Goretex rain jacket over all of it-- ordered 2 sizes to big to handle all the extra bulk underneath. I also have a freezer suit for long sits in low temps. I worked in a frozen cheesburger factory years ago. I can drive with the windows down in -10F.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer