i given i have worked in a retirement area for about 40years, plus my own family, have come to understand there is no commonality among how people deal with grief. Some people try to avoid it, some bottle it up, some are cracking up.
I have seen all types of behavior when people pass.
some are pretty easy to see they are shallow, self centered, don't give a poop.
i have seen this in brother and sister, one caring the other mostly concerned about the check.
But i like some have mentioned, was taught not to speak ill of the dead. Also to stand there and do what you can with the survivors.
I am attending more and more funerals, reflective of my age.
what is sad, is to sit in an almost empty church, a funeral for a classmate, delayed victim of vietnam, and the few other people as you talk
to them say they were there because they were afraid no body would be there, and that's not right.
I figure at that point what ever their sins are, they are probably talking about them in a different venue.
aint up to me at that point.
geez, i had a 95year old client dieing in a hospital one time. He asked me if God had forgiven him for cheating on his wife one time in 1943. She certainly made him pay for it every year after.
my comment to henry was, i don't think given the quality of your life you led, something in 1943 is gonna influence the books.