Originally Posted by coat4gun
Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
Arm teachers??? So they can do exactly what??? Let's try bringing back ass whoopins first....respect for the flag and mandatory pledge of allegiance at the beginning of the school day....turning off electronics (cell phones, I pods, etc.) we never had these mass school shootings back before the hard core socialists took over the education system and started turning our young men and women into what we used to call sociopaths by condoning and even encouraging what was once called abhorrent behavior....

"To do exactly what?" To Stop some [bleep] from killing more kids is what. Apparently you think its better for the teacher to fling themselves in front of them to stop the bullets with their body. If I had a kid in school I would want every teacher armed. I would guess every one of them would give their life to protect their students. I would rather they live and sacrifice the bad guys life to protect their students.

Expecting society to change from the moral downward spiral it has been on over the past 50 years in time to stop the next tragedy is the wrong course.I agree we need to reverse the spiral but other measure need to be taken as we turn.

I guess I wasn't really clear enough....I have no problem with teachers who would like to arm themselves....but why on earth are we allowing the schools to keep nurturing an environment where kids feel empowered to do this schitt???