[quote=wdenike]Does anyone not realize our military is already on the payroll? If the snowflakes can't handle letting poor little Johny, and Suzzie be guarded by the best in the world. Then home school the little sons a beeches. Because it is obvious they are incapable of teaching them from kindergarten through 12th. To respect our military, and they are there to protect you. And are the best in the world. This along with concealed carry would end this chit!!! This chit is only complicated for retards. Oops I forgot they aren't retards, no one is shooting up the capital building. Guess that must mean either they have an agenda, or plain don't give a chit.

Not a bad idea ^^^^ Cheaper than paying to go full blown Alcatraz at all our schools. Rotation of National Guard Soldiers at every school...Change out their issued digital camo BDU’s for something more appealing and non-threatening to the soft palate liberals, say, skinny jeans and a black “Che Lives” Tee-shirt for uniforms.

Arm them with AR’s, Glocks and access to a few non-Lethal options for hammering the schit out of the punk mouthed student who thinks it’s okay to tell their teacher to F’off in class...Problem greatly reduced and cost effective ta-boot.

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”