I am not aware of any law in Alaska that mandates schools to be "gun-free zones"..

I believe it comes down from Admin - who are mostly all libs, and are also fearful of lawsuits. But I don't know of any schools here that are NOT deemed "gun free" either.

I could be ignorant, and wrong, however.....

That's officially. In one ( "gun free" - District Policy) elementary school I worked in, we had an unstable parent that concerned us. Same guy that, with his family in the car at McDonalds drive-thru, was messing with his Glock which he had just picked up. Blew his knee-cap off.... HA!

Anyway, one time when he came unglued over something pertaining to the school, and made some threats, I know there was at least one unauthorized piece on campus for a couple weeks during school hours.

I highly suspect the Principal - a former Miss Alaska, and a hunter - also had one.

At an Inservice one time one of the local cops (during the "Cower in Place") segment, claimed they could be there in 2 minutes.

Big deal. How long from incident start to the call being placed? How long, once on site, for the cops to get organized, enter the building, then track down the perp before they can take effective action.

I made myself unpopular with some (including the cop), popular with others (fewer), by pointing out that with a couple pockets full of loose ammo for a 4 or 5 shot bolt action rifle, a half-way competent shooter could reload several times and likely get off 20 rounds or more in that 2 minutes. Someone armed and already in the building could respond much faster. I left it at that, not suggesting an armed security officer or armed teachers as an alternative, but some got it - mostly the ones logical enough to see the cop's "reassurance" as treading on a faulty premise.

And of course, with stripper clips or detachable mags,"high capacity" or not, that fire rate could multiply several times. As has been shown.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.