Originally Posted by WyoCoyoteHunter
Why not, schools are about the only place there are not armed guards..

Must be a different world up in Wyoming, all the schools around have have full-time LEO's.

26,000 plus public high schools in America, The odds are still astronomically small that this will happen at any given school. I myself got my CHL when they first arrived, 1995 in Texas, going on 23 years ago.

I would love to know how many teachers in Utah are packing, but the bottom line is that some are and there have been as yet no problems.

My concerns center on 1) AD's, 2) forgetting a handgun somewhere, and 3) inadvertently dropping or losing possession of the handgun. This even happens to trained professionals.

I would insist on the Isaeli policy: You'll note that all those rifles over there are carried empty chamber, magazines carried attached to the rifle but not in the magazine wells.. Likewise semi-auto pistols are carried with an empty chamber, a practice which doubtless lowers the the incidence of ADs. In Israeli practice the slide is racked while the handgun is being presented. Another plus is that if a high school kid did get their hands on it, most would not know to rack the slide. And especially on those where an applied safety locks the slide, almost none would know to disengage the safety and then rack the slide.

To avoid handguns left in restrooms or on teacher's desks I would mandate that the handgun and holster cannot ever be detached from the teacher's clothing on school property, even when using the restroom.

Times when I have even felt like I needed a handgun at school over the past 30 years = 0.

Times when I have been on the floor breaking up fights, or in the middle of a fight breaking it up, or obstructing an agitated student from getting in a fight = oh, I dunno, maybe 20? 30? 40? (one time I was on the ground out in the parking lot with a parent who had come on campus to help beat up someone else's kid crazy).

I would mandate retention holsters of some kind even for concealed carry so the handgun doesn't go spinning off across the hallway amid all those students' feet at some point.

Times when I have pushed through packed hallways jammed with kids = maybe not actually every day depending on my movements around school, but at least a few times a week.

Forget the part about "concealed carry being an absolute secret" or whatever. Unless its a mousegun completely obscured in a pocket holster, eventually the the kids WILL spot it printing on clothing. Actually it doesn't matter at all if they do. Wouldn't even bother me if the teachers packed openly, so long as the handgun was secure in a retention holster. See, if it is both stupid and possible, eventually a teenager will attempt it, this is an immutable law of teenage behavior. Sooner or later a kid is gonna come up from behind and make a joke about trying to grab the handgun, wherever it is. Another reason to insist on retention holsters.


"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744