Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by m1rifleman
what do you think?

Well, gun owners and conservatives have got to get better. Some of these damned billionaires who throw money at these worthless candidates would be better off using that money to set up social media alternatives to twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. Those are systematically being purged right now. It is becoming impossible for conservatives to get their messages out.

We need a comphrehensive strategy and we’re not good at that. In fact, we’re bad at it because we just want to be left alone. That desire is not a recipe for political activism. No compromise sounds great, but without a plan, we’ll just get bowled over.

If we want to save the country as a whole, Article 5 represents the only chance. Without that, we are fighting a rearguard action to save what we can in potential rump states.
Why don't you suggest that to the Koch's? I'm not being sarcastic.