I'm totally on board with your premise. I think every single federal law regarding gun control from 1934 on should be declared unconstitutional and repealed. The problem as I see it can be summed up in a three word quote from Pat Buchanan. "Demographics is destiny". The immigrants flooding our country have no concept of a government of, by, and for the people. They see weapons as the enforcement of tyranny or perpetration of crime. The idea of a check and balance on a tyrannical government by an armed citizenry is beyond their intellectual grasp. Many of our native born have been dumbed down to the same level. So the tide is against us. What does that mean?

The other side of this coin is having the means and will to resist tyranny by whatever means necessary. It means blowing away the LEO on the porch trying to confiscate your guns. It means assassinating politicians who lead the effort to disarm us. It means civil war. In the next 20 years, it will happen. Each person will have to decide whether to submit to the long dark night of tyranny or to use lethal force to defend liberty. There will be no other way. I'm totally OK with meeting my Maker after having defended free agency at the point of a sword. Maybe you aren't. And I can't blame people who chose the easy way out.