Fellow Campfire Folk;
We were discussing the fatal polar bear attack the other day on the regular campfire section and this popped up on a Canuck forum that I frequent.

This shows quite vividly how quickly life can unravel when a bear is involved in the melee.

The black bear sow in the video made nearly identical growls to a sow which I had a negative interaction with about 3 decades back. When I listened to the video that's what struck me - funny how some things don't leave you even after all these years.

Anyway I'm glad to see that the two in the video came out of it in as good a shape as they did.

All the more reason to practice with one's serious "shoo bear" arm too I would opine - as well as have it handy at all times when one is in bear country.

Thanks for looking and may we all have a safe summer as we head into bear country tenting and camping.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"