Originally Posted by shrapnel

Thank goodness Canada has such strict handgun laws or that poor bear may have become sausage...

Good evening to you sir, long time no talk - I hope this finds you and your fine family well tonight.

Indeed our laws regarding handguns are beyond silly and if I was able to do so legally, a Redhawk chambered in something that started with a 4 would be my constant companion.

That said, we make do with shorter barreled shotguns than my stateside brethren can easily attain - and though I've not used one in anger yet - in the situations where I was beginning a discussion with a bear it was nice to have the shoo bear arm to back up my side of the conversation.

On top is the one I've had for 42 or so years, the bottom one is a couple years now and has worked well enough that it's my primary meat packing arm nowadays.
[Linked Image]

Made up one for our eldest daughter to take along when she and her husband go tenting here in rural BC.
[Linked Image]

Have a donor in the safe which her husband and I are making into something for him to practice with too.

Anyway shrapnel it's good to hear from you again and I hope the summer is a great one for you and yours.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"