Good afternoon to you sir, I hope all is going according to plan this weekend for you and this finds you well.

Thanks for the video, though I've got to say it gave me fair pause before responding, you know?

When we're teaching the BC Hunter Safety course now we spend a bit of time talking about what is and is not appropriate to post on social media. There are things which perhaps are too graphic, etc and then there's the times where the folks in the video get outhouse lucky and others might surmise that they can have similar luck.

As mentioned, I've seen bears move in earnest and it's jaw dropping to see how quick they are. Also of course anyone who has been bow hunting or around bow hunters knows how animals can jump the string - especially when they're looking right at the bow hunter.

Really, this chap should just buy lotto tickets now as he's got to be the luckiest I could ever imagine - or maybe that used up all his remaining luck.... who knows?

Knowing what I do, which admittedly isn't all that much, I couldn't recommend the course of action he took, but it did work for him that time.

Thanks again and all the best to you this summer.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"