Good evening to you sir, I hope this finds you well and thanks for the reply.

If I may tell a story on a good friend - who occasionally looks in here - I'll begin with his bona fides that he guided for both black bears and grizzly on the northern BC coast before moving to the Yukon.

While I'm not sure how many bears he was in on, it's got to be more than 3 dozen, so he's the fellow I ask bear questions to and who's opinion on the matter I trust implicitly.

Anyway somewhere along in the midst of his younger years, he told me a story of deciding he'd bow hunt a bear and was armed with said bow while sliding quietly up a northern BC stream in his waders. Presently he came upon a sow and cub - might have been more than one cub and am reasonably sure they were grizzly.

He related that he looked down at his bow, then at the bears, back at the bow and came ever so close to chucking the bow into the stream!

As far as I'm aware that was the last time he bow hunted for bears and perhaps bow hunted in bear country.

Now I know from other friends that a well placed arrow will kill a bear, but things have to be going your way - and they emphatically we're not going that way for the chaps in the video.

Thanks again and all the best to you this summer.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"