Birdman, if your experiences and worldview, when slung on the internet, provoke responses that you find insulting perhaps you should harden the phuque up. I 1st went to Bangkok as a 19 y/o G.I. and reveled in the readily available debauchery. I have since grown up and in several subsequent visits have personally witnessed the Industrial level of a deviant sex trade that has to be seen to be appreciated. Your version of reality is just plain wrong, again.

I put 4 kids through public schools, they all survived and thrived. None of them has allowed their kids to attend public schools. They are unanimous in their contempt for the public school system and consider MOST of their teachers to have been mediocre at best. Public schools teach a curriculum of politically sanitized alternate reality and base human cognition on the lowest common denominator.

You probably are a star in that environment as well as in your own mind

mike r

Don't wish it were easier
Wish you were better

Stab them in the taint, you can't put a tourniquet on that.
Craig Douglas ECQC