Me, I try not to suggest things on the internet that could justifiably get me shot in past times and places, your mileage varies.

As for public schools, there could be better ways, i myself am all for vouchers tho prob’ly the majority of optional charter schools in this state suck. But I will say your prior descriptions of a public school where thugs roam unchallenged and gangs have a free hand don’t look like any school I’ve ever seen Perhaps your kids went to schools like that.. I dunno how such a school could operate.

But hey, related topic from another thread, my after school spot: Some years back in this town a school district Cop shot a 14yo student after hours in a residential area. After that School Cops all over this town were verboten to step off campus. After that the small thug element moved their after-school Youtube fights up close to campus. That was the year of brass-knuckles guy, who broke some kid’s jaw and knocked him out. The attendant Fire truck, Cops and ambulance made our school look real bad. See it ain’t just the actors, it’s the big crowds of spectators once they all get texted by their friends, just looks bad, and makes kids feel unsafe.. So after that I started voluntarily standing out there with a radio. As to how I personally was regarded, mostly with some degree of appreciation for my gesture, I mean even criminals got normal nieces and nephews they worry about, let alone decent parents with their decent kids.

As for what is taught, it’s all spelled out in the syllabus and every assignment online, fully transparent. for anyone who cares to look.

Ya ain’t the only one whose been around an active sex trade Bub, me, I was always too much of a romantic for that.

And as for me being “a star in a public school environment and in my own mind”, just couldn’t help yourself could ya? Is there an inverse relationship ‘tween snide spite and actual toughness? Or maybe no relation I dunno, I mean more’n a few spec ops types have proven disappointing later in life.

Let’s just call me a crushing failure and leave it at that, ‘spect we’ll all be pushing up daisies pretty quick anyhow.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744