Originally Posted by Dillonbuck

Two words...

Kry and Lon!

I just can't!

Have considered Ceracote.
Pretty hard to put a $200 finish on a $189 gun.
I keep it oiled, and it is a cheapie.

Now as to the Weatherby Vanguard I bought in 1984, with saved lunch money and
money from mowing lawns all day for $5? The F'n thing cost $320. And it will rust
almost as fast as the Express. And I am still bitter![/quote]

Put me in the camp of the completely unimpressed with Cerakote. I have seen significant wear on rifle on just one Kodiak bear hunt... I have seen hard corners showing color in less than a year of light duty... both applied by a name smith with lots of Cerakote experience.

Last edited by Sitka deer; 01/11/19.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.