BSA, my apologies for asking for help prior to shooting at least 1000 rounds. I'll wait a little longer next time I have a question. whistle
Yes, my post was initially vague on purpose because I was looking for generic answers and I didn't want people jumping to conclusions based on brand names that don't have a good reputation, etc. I also wanted to protect the individuals that I bought the rifle and scope from. I'm not blaming them for anything and I hope others don't either. I see now that was the wrong approach.

Yes, my first thread in the hunting rifles forum was derailed by a jacka$$, and I copied my post to here where most people have been helpful, even if a little condescending.
I haven't posted pics cause I didn't take any. I made notes and moved on. Maybe I should from now on.
I didn't post all the details because I didn't know what was relevant. As I said, I've learned a lot here.
Also, I mounted the scopes myself. Never have or will let a "store clerk" mount a scope for me.