FWIW, and its only my opinion, but in well over 100K rounds of ammo loaded in whatever you want to call it, 223/5.56, we ran a LOT of that stuff at probably 60-62 on pressure and that was verified by Chris F doing a bit of pressure testing with my ammo, I"ve never had an issue. 65 plus probably could get you.

I don't see that ARcomp load being dangerous at all. I'd verify its not temp sensitive if shooting in TX like we did, I've yet to see anything quite as stable as target but as long as cold or heat doesn't smoke the load, I'd say you are fine.

Why you run certain pressures in certain guns is for weak actions. The AR is not weak. Of course if you have a faulty part, not always a cheap part, but some of the cost can involve inspecting or not... then it can be an issue.

That said I've picked up some military brass... no way would I shoot those pressures.

And in many years of shooting many places I"ve seen 2 bolts loose lugs. One military, one civilian. Military I have no clue on. Civ is a friend, shooting warm loads, but had 5 barrels on that bolt already, so I wasn't all that surprised.

I run a bolt for about 3 barrels personally. Good bolts like from WOP are cheap enough, and easy to toss.

We can keep Larry Root and all his idiotic blabber and user names on here, but we can't get Ralph back..... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over....