The south was as third world up until WW2 as Mexico is today in defeat. I doubt she would have been any worse off in victory.

I think slavery would have ended by 1900ish with the invention of mechanical farm implements. Housing and feeding a bunch of slaves would have no longer made any sense. Plus it would have been another generation of living under the stigma of being the only part of the western world that practiced slavery.

The south's best chance to win independence was to get a foreign ally or get the Yankees to give up. Had they won at Gettysburg it could have gone either way.......Lincoln may not have been re-elected and President McClellan would have sued for peace. Might have won at Gettysburg if they had not accidentally killed General Jackson. Even better, they should have fought guerilla style like their grandfathers did in the American Revolution. Then they would have been in the position to play defense on their home turf.

Good chance the states would have re-united at some point last century.

My "fun speculations".

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn