Originally Posted by battue
Originally Posted by Robert_White
Originally Posted by battue
You should really try to understand Sherman, rather than dwell on what you think he should have done.


“My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom.”

But just like the Irish and the war crimes of Cromwell the South never learned to fear Yankees, just hate them for 150 years and more.

I understand how the feeling could have a time frame and admit Sherman miscalculated how his words would be taken. But150 years???? Please, it is the same as slavery. None living today had slaves and none think it was right. To say any hate today’s Yanks, 150 years later, who had nothing to do with any of it, is the same as blacks beetching to me about slavery. They have to look at in the context of the times, while accepting the country has moved on, while respecting their sacrifices. So do any Southerns still carrying a CW grudge after 150.

And for clarification, I think the South has every right to keep it’s memorials to those who stood for their country when it was the Confederacy. Brave men and women sacrificed greatly during that period of our history and their deeds and memory should not be discarded.

It is very simple. We don’t hate Yankees because there was a war that we lost. There was a war because we hate Yankees and they hated us. We haven’t forgotten the reasons we hate them. Whenever we think about easing up on our feelings about them, some more of them more down and remind us why they are the scourge of the earth.