Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
He's trolling.

But in the spirit of brotherhood I'll give my unwarranted $.02. I don't really agree with folks living in one state and owning recreational property in another. It's one thing to have a vacation home or whatever. But then the scams come in with residency and resident tags and taxes et al. If it's so grand then [bleep] live there. Property taxes on non resident owners should be in my humble opinion of many orders of magnitude higher than them that actually live there. Cali aside, same holds true anywhere. There many examples out there where local folk born and bred can't afford to buy a house in the town they grew up in, simply because the price of real estate has gotten retarded from shidt eating [bleep] that make bank in a high cost of living area, then retire and bring there out of state money and politics with them to their "rural paradise" that they then turn into mini______ .

Not a popular sentiment I know, but I'll back it.

You're right, every major league sports figure should live where they work too, no more traveling for games, they can just phone it in and work from home..... right,?

An unemployed Jester, is nobody's Fool.

the only real difference between a good tracker and a bad tracker, is observation. all the same data is present for both. The rest, is understanding what you're seeing.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~