Originally Posted by Valsdad
Originally Posted by FieldGrade
Somehow I knew this thread wasn't going to end well for ol double lung.

Experience talking?

Probably still some folks there PO'd at you buying up that nice place with all that NV money. wink

Fortunately for us, they probably are happy my wife and I settled here in this part of Cali. Population has been stable to decreasing for years. We brought money from some of the several (5-6?) states we've lived in since we graduated from college years ago.

Sure seems like there's some relatively Anti-American thinking going on here. Man has money to spend, last I checked it's a freedom loving country, an association of entities called States with rules that allow free movement of citizens and commerce between them, no?

I certainly understand whoever it was that mentioned AZ "conservatives" doing all they can to turn their state into what they don't like. They love the money that comes with all that growth they propose and support, but don't like it when the folks with money show up and try to make it to their liking.

To the OP, if you're for real, and not a troll as some suggest, do what you need to do after researching it.

Because I love the desert, love AZ and like to hunt and fish there, if I was richer than I am I'd probably buy 40 acres outside a small community and put a trailer out there so I could escape here when I need to. And if I was really rich I'd buy some land back where the whitetail rats and feral hogs are so I could hunt more often than living out here in the west where tags are sometimes hard to come by.

America, gotta love it....................and all the free thinking that comes with it.


Maybe some here ought to re-read this.^^^^