Originally Posted by xxclaro
Originally Posted by nighthawk

No, only requires a god of some sort. If you know this god, all powerful creator, with certainty are you going to intentionally piss him off knowing you're going to land in an eternity of unpleasantness? .That would be crazy. Since one of two paths is irrational there becomes only one path. And that is not a choice. You must obey god.

Could be Vishnu, you don't want to be eternally recycled and you would abandon materiality without having a choice.

How do you know what he does or doesn't want though, or what sort of reward/punishment system he might have? The Vikings thought the Gods wanted them to do battle for their amusement, and would be rewarded for dying in combat. For all we know, even if there is a God, that God might not really care what we do at all, might just have set the ball rolling and is sitting back to see how it plays out.

Well, one could sit down to read the book of John. Might take 4-5 sit downs. Each time, before reading, ask God to show you something.

Don’t worry about anything except the prayer, then invest some thought in what you read.

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”