After shooting a clump of Love grass from the hip inadvertently while lowering the hammer on my .410 as a little fellow I’ve come to kinda dislike the notion of a hammergun for a kid too. That doesn’t have much to do with 410s except that most of them happen to be singles with hammers. Good thing it was beaten into my brain to be aware of where I was pointing it at all times.

Baby sister got to start with my single 20 after I graduated to a repeater. Her average was far better than mine when I started with the 410. Of course I once sat across the pond and watched as she patiently waited for 3 or 4 to get all bunched up on the bank before she loosed load of 8s into them to she may have been stacking the odds. smile

I almost had a deal worked a while back that sadly fell through. Was trying to talk a guy out of a 28ga 11-48 that had a 26” IC barrel and a stock that had already been chopped off way short for a kiddo or tiny woman. He had a 20ga too with a normal stock and the plan was that I’d get the pair and use the stock off the 20 on the 28 until Jr got big enough and then put the shorty on until such time as he outgrew it and then swap back or let him have the 20. Best laid plans and all that...